Fine Young Animals is specialised in Veterinary Marketing and Communication Programs with worldwide experience and knowledge of the Animal Health and Nutrition industry
It can develop innovative and excellent sales & marketing tools and training programs, both for vets, vet technicians as practice managers on international level. Fine Young Animals will be the professional help on new product launches or support of existing products in the Animal Health & Nutrition Industry and building close relations with key opinion leaders (KOL’s) , Universities and other opinion leaders.
NAME: Dr. Wim Van Kerkhoven, DVM
CITY: Barcelona
INTEREST: Music, food & wine.
EMAIL: anhenu@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.fineyounganimals.com
2011 - PRESENT DVM, OWNER, VAN KERKHOVEN CONSULTING S.L. - Fine Young Animals is specialised in Veterinary Marketing and Communication Programs with worldwide experience and knowledge of the Animal Health and Nutrition industry. Fine Young Animals can develop innovative and excellent sales & marketing tools and training programs, both for vets, vet technicians as practice managers on international level. Fine Young Animals will be the professional help on new product launches or support of existing products in the Animal Health & Nutrition Industry and building close relations with key opinion leaders (KOL's), Universities and other opinion leaders.2011
2007 - PRESENT MANAGING PARTNER / TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Viyo International nv. - Wim is responsible in creating new business and products for Viyo International worldwide. As veterinarian, he is developing educational presentations and tools for retail, vets and breeders + business development plans for retail, vets and breeders worldwide. Wim is creating close collaboration with leading Universities, KOL's and other opinion leaders worldwide.2007
2001 - 2007 INFLUENCER MANAGER IAMS / EUKANUBA - PROCTER & GAMBLE - Wim worked from 2001 till 2007 as responsible veterinarian developing the business with veterinarians and breeders in the Benelux. His technical role was for all channels (retail, vet & breeder) with main focus on education - training of all partners. The last year of his career, Wim also had an european function (EMEA) in developing the plans for the breeder channel.2001
1998 - 2001 TECHNICAL MANAGER BELGIUM - VIRBAC - Wim was developing the plans for the vet channel in Belgium. He was the technical advisor with developing marketing tools, plans and educational sessions.1998
1993 - 1998 DVM - PRIVATE PRACTICE - Wim was specialized in fertility and obstetrics in large animals. He also worked at a small animal clinic.1993
Get in touch
I speak the following languages
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Spanish
We’re looking forward to hear from you
EMAIL: anhenu@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.fineyounganimals.com